terça-feira, 11 de novembro de 2014

End of the Pantanal & Bonito Trip/ Fim da viagem ao Pantanal e Bonito

Dear Exchange Students!

It's time to say "Goodbye" to Pantanal and Bonito! What an amazing trip, right?! We would like to thank Rotary, Chairmen, Officers, Families and Host Families; as well as our coordinators, chaperone, drivers, suppliers and ALL students for such an incredible trip!
We do hope you have left Pantanal and Bonito with great memories and lots of friends!
It's time now to post your photos for the Photo Contest!
See you all in Northeast trip! Thanks!

Terra Brasil Turismo Team.
Queridos intercambistas,
Chegou a hora de dizer 'tchau' para o Pantanal e Bonito. Que viagem maravilhosa, certo?! Nós gostaríamos de agradecer ao Rotary, Chairmen, Oficiais, Famílias e Famílias anfitriãs; assim como nossos coordenadores, chaperones, motoristas, fornecedores e TODOS os intercambistas por uma viagem tão incrível!
Nós esperamos que vocês tenham deixado Pantanal e Bonito com ótimas memórias e amigos ainda melhores!
Agora é hora de postar as fotos para o Concurso de Fotografia!
Vemos todos vocês na viagem ao Nordeste! Obrigada!
Terra Brasil Turismo

segunda-feira, 10 de novembro de 2014

Snorkeling at Rio da Prata in Bonito / Mergulho superficial no Rio da Prata em Bonito

Bom dia!

 Today we got up around seven in the morning, and had breakfast. At about nine, we signed our life insurance group by group. Then it was almost time to get on the bus and head for Rio Da Prata, where we are going to snorkel in the afternoon! When we arrived there, we had lunch first then started our activity! All the exchange students were divided into seven groups, each group with nine people. We started snorkel, group by group. I was in group seven, so our group waited for a really really long time then it’s finally our turn to snorkel. When it was finally our turn, first we got dressed, and took our equipment with us. Second, we listened to some snorkeling introductions. Then, we got on to a little truck and heading to the river! But before that, we had to walk in the forest for about thirty minutes. Although it was really hard to walk normally with the snorkeling suit, it was still worth because we saw a lot of precious animals and plants on the way to the river.

Thirty minutes later, we arrived at the river and started to snorkel! This was my first time to snorkel, so I was quite nervous and not used to use my mouth to breathe. But I still had a great time during in the water. At first we got into the water, we saw some small springs with many bubbles, it was so cool! Then we floated in the water, let the river took us down the stream. To my surprise, there were so many gorgeous fish and plants in the water! The water was so clear that I could see everything crystal clear. I could even touch them because they were so close to me! At first, I tried to take as many pictures as I can, but after the first part of the river, I shut down my cellphone to let myself embrace the nature and enjoy myself. In the middle part of the river, there was also a rapid current with lots of sharp rocks at the bottom of the river. I tried to stay away from them, but unfortunately, I still got scratched by the rocks on my belly. But I was lucky because the painful feeling didn’t last too long. After the rapid current, here came the deeper part of the river. I couldn’t even touch the ground! There were more beautiful and colorful fish in this deep area. Then, we saw a wide open area with a bigger spring under the water. Lots of exchange students tried to dive and grab a hand of sands of the spring. We then rested for a while, and go on snorkeling. When it was almost to the end of the snorkeling area, I was so exhausted so I chose to take a boat ride. While the others with more energy, they chose to swim to the end.

 At last, we took shower, get dressed, and waited until everyone was ready then headed to the downtown of Bonito for dinner. At about ten thirty at night, we went back to our hotel and had a small meeting for tomorrow’s activity. I was so exhausted that I almost fell asleep. When I closed my eyes, the spectacular memories of snorkeling appeared on my mind. I started to feel a bit excited and looking forward to the activity tomorrow.


domingo, 9 de novembro de 2014

Bonito - Day 2/ Bonito - Dia 2

Second day in Bonito

Goodmorning rain. Today we had a lot of rain. It began already in the early hours of the morning. For our first excursion, everyone went to a private farm called Fazenda Mimosa where we went on a hiking for four kilometers (2.5 miles). Along the path, there were four stops with beautiful waterfalls. At the first waterfall, we could swim under the waterfall and walk into a little cave behind it. The second waterfall was a grotto where everyone was supposed to make a wish. The third stop was the favorite amongst most of the groups. There we could climb up onto a cliff and make a six-meter jump into the water. It was exhilarating. At the fourth and final stop we got our last chance to swim in the river, Rio Mimosa. After the trek back to the farm we ate lunch as a group. Then we took a bus to our second excursion of the day, Porto da Ilha. There we divided into six groups to go on a rafting adventure down the river. Most of the trip consisted of water wars between the rafts. Everyone was splashing each other and pulling people into the water. The rest of the trip we went over small waterfalls in the rafts. Everyone had a blast. After returning to the hotel to get ready to go have dinner, we all went out to the city of Bonito to spend the rest of the evening. After dinner, we all headed home, were the rest of the night, were spent outside, playing cards, shaving heads and talking. Tomorrow will be our last full day in Bonito! We are really looking forward to it!

#IamTerraBrasil   #Ronsbeardrocks

Marnie Schrader and Mads Holst 
Segundo dia em Bonito
Bom dia chuva. Hoje nós tivemos muita chuva, que começou nas primeiras horas da manhã. Para nossa primeira excursão todos nós fomos para uma fazenda chamada Fazenda Mimosa, onde fizemos uma caminhada de quarto quilômetros. Pelo caminhos fizemos quatro paradas para ver lindas cachoeiras. Na primeira cachoeira nós pudemos nadar  e ver uma pequena caverna que havia atrás da cachoeira. Na segunda havia uma gruta onde todos deveriam fazer pedidos. A terceira parada foi a favorita da maioria dos grupos. Lá nós podíamos subir num penhasco e dar um pulo de seis metros para a água! Foi emocionante! Na quarta e última parada nós tivemos nossa última chance de nadar no Rio Mimosa. Depois da caminhada de volta nós almoçamos em grupo, e então pegamos o ônibus para nossa segunda excursão do dia, Porto da Ilha. Lá nós fomos divididos em seis grupos para que pudéssemos fazer rafting rio abaixo. A maior parte do passeio consistiu em guerras de água entre os rafts (botes). Todos estavam jogando água uns nos outros e puxando pessoas para a água. O resto do passeio nós fomos em pequenas cachoeiras com os botes. Todos de divertiram muito! Depois de voltar para o hotel para nos arrumarmos para jantar, nós fomos para a cidade de Bonito. Após o jantar nós fomos para o hotel onde passamos o resto da noite do lado de fora jogando cartas, raspando cabeças e convesando. Amanhã será nosso último dia em Bonito e todos estão ansiosos para isso!
#IamTerraBrasil   #Ronsbeardrocks

Marnie Schrader and Mads Holst 

sexta-feira, 7 de novembro de 2014

Last day at Pantanal! / Último dia no Pantanal!

    7 a.m. and it is another bad hairday, the French guy you are sleeping in room with have sat a happy wakeup alarm, and you are ready for the long day, and this one hotter than the others you have experienced in the reserve of Pantanal. Having a quick breakfast because you are under time pressure, as always! Everyone knows it is the last day in Pantanal. So all of us packed our bags, before leaving for the daily activities. We followed our group as always running behind them because we seriously got a freaking time problem, and after running 30 seconds you look like just coming out of the shower. Today there was fishing for Piranhas on the program. So when we arrived there, we were told that the record of the other groups was 23 fishes! A easy thing for us to break… We thought…. But after twenty minutes covered in sweat and with only three fishes (not even Piranhas) the majority decided to change the activity and changed fishing pole with the hammock. A good idea! But it got boring so one of us was just breaking the hammock down (no names). After that accident we returned to the hotel, sad because we just needed 19 fishes more to beat the record. So close! But the pool was calling and we just enjoyed a cool experience.

    Then we had to get our stuff ready and we left Pantanal and headed for Bonito. 5 hours later we arrived in the city, and ate alligator. After fast dinner we went to the lovely hotel and everyone went to the even bigger pool with even cooler experiences.
    All the exchange students came together got separated in groups for the activities for tomorrow and ended the day with dancing a cultural dance in a circle. Now we are really looking forward to a great program and we will end it here because we are so tired.
    Love you guys!
Written by Jasper, Rasmus and Mads.
    7 horas da manhã e outro 'bad hairday'; o menino Francês que está dormindo com a gente no quarto programou um despertador bem animado; e de repente estamos prontos para o longo dia; e esse está mais quente que os dias anteriores que tivemos aqui no Pantanal. Tomamos um café da manhã rápido, pressionados pelo relógio, é claro! Todos sabem que é o nosso último dia no Pantanal. Então todos nós arrumamos nossas bagagens antes de sair para as atividades do dia. Seguimos o nosso grupo como sempre atrás de todos por que seriamente temos um problema com o relógio; e após correr por 30 segundos, parece que saímos do banho (muito suor)! Hoje teve pescaria no programa. Então, assim que chegamos lá, nos avisaram que o recorde dos outros grupos era de 23 peixes! Muito fácil da gente bater esse recorde...pensamos! Mas após vinte minutos, cobertos de suor e só com 3 peixes na mão (que nem eram piranhas) a maioria decidiu mudar de atividade - e mudamos para a vara de pescar com a rede! Boa ideia! Mas logo cansamos - até que um de nós (sem nomes) destruísse a rede. Depois desse pequeno incidente, voltamos para o hotel - bem tristes, por que faltaram mais 19 peixes para quebrarmos o recorde! Foi por pouco! Mas a piscina estava nos chamando e aproveitamos a grande experiência.
    Depois tivemos que pegar nossas coisas para nos despedirmos do Pantanal em direção a Bonito. 5 horas de estrada depois, chegamos na cidade! Comemos carne de jacaré! Após o rápido jantar, voltamos para o hotel e todos fomos para uma piscina maior com experiências maiores! Muito legal!
    Todos os intercambistas que chegaram juntos foram divididos em grupos para as atividades de amanhã e terminamos o dia com uma roda de danças típicas. Agora estamos bem empolgados para a programação de amanhã e vamos terminar por aqui por que estamos bem cansados.
    Amamos vocês!
Escrito por Jasper, Rasmus e Mads.

Photo Gallery / Galeria de Fotos

    Want more fotos of the trip? Check it out the Facebook Gallery of the Pantanal and Bonito trip! Like our photos and feel free to write comments and messages for the exchange students! They always love it!

Keep tuned!
    Quer mais fotos da viagem? Veja a Galeria de Fotos do Pantanal e Bonito! Curta nossas fotos e fique a vontade para escrever comentários e mensagens para os intercambistas! Eles adoram!

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Wild animals of Pantanal! / Animais selvagens do Pantanal!